Dr. Aberasturi specializes in neuropsychology. Her practice includes both children and adults. Her clients typically include people with learning disabilities, severe behavioral issues, developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injury, tumors, and other neurological diseases. The neuropsychological evaluation focuses upon the client’s neurological strengths and weaknesses and gives specific recommendations to help overcome or rehabilitate these issues. These recommendations specifically address the clients reported problems, daily living skills, behavioral problems, and educational issues. She is a licensed school psychologist and has extensive experience in various school districts.
To make an appointment please leave a message at (775) 200-1232.
Several other insurances - please call to inquire about others
Phone & fax: (775)-200-1232
2450 Vassar St. Suite 3A
Reno, NV 89502
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Copyright Dr. Suzanne Aberasturi, PhD. All rights reserved.